Archive for Warnings – Page 2

Circle of Death Warning

It has long been known that if you take you hand off the tiller or steering wheel, many outboard powered boats will circle hard to the right due to propeller torque. The boating industry has had various name for it through the yeaers. In the 1980’s some called it the “Circling Phenomenon”. Some call it […]

ABYC Releases Consolidated Boat Warning Labels

American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) has been working with Design Research Engineering (DRE), a consulting firm, for some time to develop a series of warnings that are grouped together (consolidated) for use on certain types of vessels (such as gasoline outboard powered open motor boats) in certain locations (helm, cabin, transom, occupant, deck). Some […]

Propeller Warning Labels seen at the 2014 Tulsa Boat Show: Part 1

We attended the 2014 Tulsa Boat Show on Wednesday afternoon January 29, 2014. This post is Part 1 of our two part coverage of propeller warning labels at 2014 show. It follows up on our 2012 and 2013 posts on Propeller Warning Labels at the Tulsa Boat Show. Lora and I walked around and photographed […]

Propeller Warning Labels seen at the 2014 Tulsa Boat Show: Part 2

This post is Part 2 of our two part coverage of propeller warning labels at 2014 show. We tried to group most of the stand alone propeller warnings on this page. A few of them are on page 1 as part of our coverage of clusters of warnings.

Powerboat & RIB Magazine distributes “Wear Your Kill Cord” warning sticker

In the wake of all the attention focused on kill cords (emergency engine kill-switch lanyards) by the Milligan accident, Powerboat & RIB Magazine (PBR) is taking action will be sending our free “Attach Your Kill Cord” warning stickers with their July issue. They announced the new warning stickers labels were in stock via Twitter on […]

Swim Platform Seats: An Attractive Nuisance to Children, Youth, & Adults?

Lora and I attended the 2013 Tulsa Boat Show on Wednesday January 30th. We were quickly overwhelmed with swim platform seats, aft facing seats, swim deck seating. Swim platform seats were almost ubiquitous on midsize and large boats. The extreme popularity of this design can lead to some problems. Most of the boats with swim […]

Propeller Warning Labels Seen at the 2013 Tulsa Boat Show

We attended the 2013 Tulsa Boat Show on Wednesday afternoon January 30, 2013. Following up on our 2012 post on Propeller Warning Labels at the Tulsa Boat Show, once again, Lora and I walked around and photographed propeller warning labels / decals. Once again we were surprised at the variety of decals and warnings. Lora […]

Boat Intelligent Warning System Invention

Our Boat Intelligent Warning System (BIWS) invention disclosure below was posted on 29 November 2012. We will make no changes to the text below the line following this paragraph except to correct misspellings, punctuation, and to update html/computer codes and links. Any updates to the invention will be posted below the invention disclosure. Boat Intelligent […]

Propeller Warning Labels Seen at the 2012 Tulsa Boat Show

We attended the 2012 Tulsa Boat Show on Saturday morning February 4, 2012. While still getting used to my new digital camera, Lora and I walked around and shot photos of propeller warning decals. I am well aware there is quite a bit of variety in propeller warning decals, but found an even broader selection […]

Moving Propeller Alert System – Self Contained, Economical Version – Senior Design Project

This design project is a self contained, self powered, warning module that lights or blinks LED lights off the stern when the outboard or stern drive engine is running to warn people in the water to stay out of the propeller danger area. Earlier today (30 November 2011) we posted coverage of Mercury Marine’s new […]