Archive for June 2019

Rex Chambers passed 15 June 2019

We are sorry to learn of the passing of Rex Chambers, well known professional bass fisherman. He spoke out about outboard motors breaking off and flipping into boats after his May 2014 accident on Lake Wheeler in Alabama. In that accident, his 250 horsepower Mercury outboard came in on him and Danny Pettus. Both men […]

Kali’s Law signed by Texas Governor: boat kill switch law

Greg Abbot, Governor of Texas, signed Kali’s Law on Monday June 10, 2019 per a Soundings Trade Only report dated 11 June 2019. Named for Kali Gorzell, the law will require mandatory use of kill switch lanyards on certain vessels. Kali’s Law will go into effect September 1st, 2019.

Kali’s Law: Misleading Fatality Statistics

Kali Gorzell was a beautiful, enthusiastic, young woman when she was stuck and killed by a boat propeller 20 July 2012. There was a tremendous outpouring of love from her classmates and her community near San Antonio Texas. The boat operator was turning, the flats boat quickly “swapped ends” (spun 180 degrees), the operator was […]