Our 501st post

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Thought we would take a moment to recognize this is our 501st post since we converted our site to a blog format back on 20 June 2011. Number 500 was published yesterday. Today is 11 July 2020. Over that same time we have had well over half a million visits.

While 500 posts is a real marker, we note our site also boasts an additional 91 Pages, each one another separate post by itself. The Pages can primarily be reached by the upper top menu bar. They are generally topics that remain current, while at least some of the posts may be more fleeting in interest level.

500 posts is a significant milestone. If you add this post, plus the 500 posts, plus the 91 Pages, that makes a total of 592 articles on this site. We hope our viewers find at least some of our propeller safety coverage helpful.

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Thinking back over the years, we would be remiss if we did not mention the hundreds of people all over the world who helped us along the way by providing information and encouragement. While we don’t have time or space to thank them all, I especially thank my wife who has assisted in many ways. Plus a special thanks to Marion Irving deCruz formerly at Stop Propeller Injuries Now (SPIN) now looking over us and many others from above.

We look forward to continue publishing articles related to boat propeller safety.

We welcome your comments below.


  1. Phyllis, SPIN!

    We honestly don’t know what we would do without you Gary. May God bless you always.

    • Thank you very much for your comment. Like the car advertisement says you meet the best people in a Subaru, you meet the best people in boat propeller safety. As you have, I have met and virtually met hundreds of people around the world whose lives have been forever changed by boat propellers. Everybody has been nice. You are way up on that list. May God bless you as well. Gary

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