Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day inspires life jacket use

We created a series of Artificial Intelligence (AI) images to encourage boaters to wear life jackets. Several real and imaginary characters, as well as The Statue of Liberty were used.

Several boats are in the images.

New boaters or existing boaters not currently always wearing a life jacket are our intended audience for these AI Life Jacket images.

The uniqueness of these images should increase the reach of this message. We hope it will encourage at least one person to start wearing their life jacket.

One of our previous AI Lifejacket images is below:

Life jacket and sea turtles for Propeller Safety image

Life jacket and sea turtles for Propeller Safety image

Our Wear Your Boat Life Jacket to Work Volunteers

Some of our subjects were camera shy but when they learned the importance to encouraging others to wear life jackets, they agreed to participate.

Click on the images below to view a larger, higher resolution image.

Alien wearing a yellow life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Alien wearing a yellow life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

The Statue of Liberty wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

The Statue of Liberty wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Bigfoot wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Bigfoot wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Clark Kent (Superman) wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Clark Kent (Superman) wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Unidentified man wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day. If you don't recognize him, ask your dad.

Unidentified man wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day. If you don’t recognize him, ask your dad.

Mermaid wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Mermaid wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

The Statue of Liberty wearing a life jacket in the evening for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

The Statue of Liberty wearing a life jacket in the evening for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Alien wearing a orange life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Alien wearing a orange life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

List of Our Life Jacket Volunteers

  1. The Statue of Liberty wearing a life jacket
  2. Bigfoot wearing a life jacket
  3. two Aliens wearing life jackets
  4. Unidentified man wearing a life jacket (hint – he parachuted from an airplane with a bag full of money in 1971 and was never seen again)
  5. a Mermaid wearing a life jacket
  6. Clark Kent – Superman wearing a life jacket

About the AI Boat Life Jacket Images

We told our readers that if they did not recognize one of our volunteers, they might ask their dad which could lead to even more life jacket discussions.

Low Resolution versions of the images are below.

It is currently National Boating Safety Week 2024 and a great time to share this message. Please feel free to share, forward, or use these images as AI images cannot be copyrighted.

Facebook Post Announces The New Images

Our Facebook Post is below.

Click on the images below to see larger versions of them.

Always remember to wear your life jacket when you are out of the water.

More Boating Safety AI images and High Resolution Images

If someone needs higher resolution AI Life Jacket images for publication, please contact me. See “Contact Us” in the top menu.

More of our previous Boating Safety AI images can be seen at Boating Safety Messages.

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